Now accepting Telehealth appointments. Schedule a virtual visit.


The Doc's Here

Azra Hussaini, MD FACP

House Call & Telemedicine located in Catonsville, MD

Do you need medical advice, but you can’t or don’t want to leave your home or workplace? If so, telemedicine with The Doc’s Here, led by Azra Hussaini, MD, FACP is the answer for you. Telemedicine allows you to participate in a comprehensive, focused video chat with Dr. Hussaini during which she carefully listens to your concerns and helps you find a solution. Dr. Hussaini will do a whole patient evaluation where she assesses and listens to everything, and your most important issue will be addressed right away. To book your telemedicine visit, call or use the online booking tool today.

Telemedicine Q & A

What is telemedicine?

Telemedicine, also known as telehealth, is a virtual visit with The Doc’s Here. The practice offers video visits to patients anywhere in the country. 

Through telemedicine, you can receive high-quality health care without ever leaving your home or workplace. Dr. Hussaini will listen to all your concerns and find a wholesome approach that determines the best path forward.

What can I use telemedicine for?

You can use telemedicine to consult with The Doc’s Here regarding a variety of services, including:

  • Low-complexity sick visits
  • Follow-up appointments
  • Minor urgent care
  • Medication questions
  • Prescription refills

Telemedicine is an ideal option for busy people, immunocompromised individuals, patients with inadequate transportation or support, or anyone who simply wishes to avoid travel. It’s also ideal for patients struggling with mental health concerns who prefer staying in the comforts of home.

Why should I choose telemedicine?

Telemedicine is an excellent choice for many people, bringing with it advantages including:

Time efficiency

Telemedicine eliminates time-consuming elements of your day, like traveling to the office and sitting in traffic. You can use this extra time to focus on your wellness and enjoy more of what you love at home.

No time off work

For many people, leaving work to go to the doctor isn’t a viable option. When you choose telemedicine, you don’t have to worry about missing work. Instead, you can schedule your appointment whenever it’s convenient for you, whether that’s before or after work or even during a break.


Telemedicine saves you money by eliminating travel costs and putting money back in your pocket by not requiring that you miss work. 

Reduced health risks

Virtual visits also allow you to access quality medical care and advice without having to go out in public. This is especially advantageous to the elderly, immunocompromised, and those recovering from surgery.

Improved access to health care

If you have access to a smartphone, tablet, or computer, you can schedule a video visit. It doesn’t matter how far away you are, what type of transportation you have, whether or not you can get away from work, or whether you need assistance to leave the house. 

To learn more about Dr. Hussaini’s accessible, inclusive, compassionate approach to care, call the office or book a telemedicine appointment through the website. Telemedicine appointments are available to all patients, regardless of culture, religion, sexual orientation, and background. Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone today.